Monthly Payment Review

Monthly Payment Review

The Monthly Payment Review is a report that provides Merchants with vital information about commissions that will be paid to Affiliates on the upcoming payment day.

While transactions can be edited or voided any time before they are locked, the Monthly Payment Review allows Merchants to more readily spot red flags or potential issues. The data provided gives Merchants the time and resources to take action accordingly before commissions are locked and paid to Affiliates.

There are 5 reports that are generated in the review: 

  1. Monthly Payment Review of All Transactions

·        Summarizes all transactions that will be paid on the upcoming 20th of the current month

What to Look For:

  • ·        Any glaring anomalies in your overall transaction payout for the month such unusually high order value

  • ·        Missing data that would indicate a tracking issue such as lack of order number or $0.00 order value


2. Affiliate Summary

·        Shows which affiliates had at least one sale locking on the upcoming 20th

·        Lists sales dollars generated and commission to be paid

 What to Look For:

  • ·        Affiliates that may be new to your payment cycle.  Research Affiliates you are unfamiliar with to ensure they are driving transactions according to your program terms

  • ·        Any unusual spikes or drops in performance. Keep a keen eye on Affiliates that make up a large percentage of your overall commission payout

  • ·        Affiliate status

  • ·        Alerts - we will flag Affiliates that hit any of the following criteria: Those that have been identified to have potential self-purchases; those that have generated their first commission check; Affiliates with a large number of voids and / or a large number of bonus transactions


3. Tracking Number Summary

·        Reports the transactions that had the same tracking number so Merchants can identify recurring tracking numbers

What to Look For:

·        Review instances of recurring tracking numbers to ensure there is not a potential tracking issue


4. HTTP Referrer Summary

·        Shows the referrer pages (most cases the confirmation page) that generated a transaction to help spot erroneous transactions

·        Can cross reference these orders with your system to ensure values match

What to Look For:

  • ·        Any URLs that do not represent a page where you intend the tracking pixel to be fired from as this could be a sign that the pixel has not been properly installed on your website 


5. IP Address Summary

·        Shows every IP address that generated more than one locked transaction for the upcoming 20th

 What to Look For:

  • ·        Large batches of a singular IP address may require further investigation

  • ·        Cross reference IP address with those in your own office to check for sales that may have come from internal test or phone orders


Quick Tips:

Transactions lock on the 20th of every month

The Monthly Payment Review is available from the 5th – 19th of each month

The report is updated on the 5th, 10th, and 15th, of each month. (this is NOT a live report)

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