How to Enable/Disable Auto-Approval

How to Enable/Disable Auto-Approval

By default, when an Affiliate submits an application to join your affiliate program their application will enter a pending status. During that time, you’ll have the ability to review the Affiliate’s application and approve or decline them accordingly. Merchants also have the ability to enable Auto-Approval if they’d like to automatically approve every Affiliate that applies for their program without having to manually review them.


If you’d like to enable Auto-Approval you can do so by going to the Account Details page. Then, you’ll scroll down to the Manage Features section and click Affiliate Approval. From there, if you’d like to enable Auto-Approval you’ll simply check the ‘Yes’ box and click Update to save your settings. You can confirm that your settings have been updated by going to the Approval Rules page. If you’ve successfully enabled Auto-Approval the ‘Default Approval Status’ should say Approve.



If at any time you’d like to disable Auto-Approval you can simply go back to the Account Details page, check the ‘No’ box, and click Update. Then, you can verify that your settings have been updated by going back to the Approval Rules page and confirming that the ‘Default Approval Status' says Pending. As a reminder, when Auto-Approval is disabled you’ll need to manually review Affiliate applications as they’re submitted for your program by going to the Pending Affiliates page, and approve or decline them, based on your preferences.



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