How to Create a Manual Transaction

How to Create a Manual Transaction

Merchants have the ability to create Manual Transactions for their Affiliates from within the Merchant interface. There are many scenarios when it may be appropriate to create a Manual Transaction for an Affiliate in your program, such as:


  1. An order that your Affiliate referred did not track in your account.

  2. You’d like to give one of your Affiliates a one-time bonus commission payment.

  3. You’re participating in a paid placement with an Affiliate on the network.


Whatever the reason may be, creating a Manual Transaction is very simple. You can follow the below steps to create a Manual Transaction for an Affiliate in your program:


  1. Go to AFFILIATES > Manual Transaction or click here.

  2. Select the Affiliate that you’d like to receive the payment associated with the Manual Transaction from the provided drop-down menu.

  3. Specify whether the commission amount will be based on a percentage of the sale amount or if it will be a flat amount by clicking ‘% Sale’ or ‘Flat Amount’.

    1. If you chose ‘% Sale’ then you’ll need to enter the sale amount and commission rate associated with the Manual Transaction.

    2. If you chose ‘Flat Amount’ you’ll need to enter the flat amount commission payment associated with the Manual Transaction.

  4. Specify whether the Manual Transaction is based on a typical Sale/Lead or if it’s associated with a Bonus by clicking the appropriate option to the right of ‘Type of Transaction’.

  5. Enter a comment (required) for the Manual Transaction. The comment should specify what the Manual Transaction is for/why it’s been set up for the Affiliate so you can reference it at a later date, if necessary.

  6. Enter an Order Number, if necessary. If you’re creating a Manual Transaction for an Affiliate whose order did not track in your account, the Order Number you enter here should match the Order Number associated with the sale on your website.

  7. Select a lock date from the provided drop-down menu. As a reminder, the lock date is the date that the commission will be officially released to the credited Affiliate’s account to be withdrawn.

  8. Click ‘Submit Transaction’ when you’re ready to save and process the Manual Transaction for your account.

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