AppsFlyer Tracking Setup
What you will need:
An AppsFlyer account in good standing with AppsFlyer's SDK installation.
A device for testing where your App has not been previously installed
Please note: you will need to test an app-download successfully and you will need to directly manage the testing. AppsFlyer tracking will only work on a device where the App has not been previously installed
Step 1
Go ahead and setup the ShareASale solution within AppsFlyer. For this, you will need to:
Supply AppsFlyer with your ShareASale merchant ID (you can find your merchant ID at the top-left of your ShareASale account when you are logged in).
Setup which events you wish to send to ShareASale, ie SDK events. Please only send events you wish to commission on. You will need to name the event. We recommend an alphanumeric event name with no spaces or special characters.
Step 2
After setting this up, please submit a ticket or send an email to the following:
The event names you are sending and the desired commission per event.
Note: we recommend using only alphanumeric characters for the event name and only sending events you wish to pay commission on to ShareASale.
The Android and/or iOS tracking link generated within AppsFlyer for the integration.
IMPORTANT - ShareASale will need to configure your account to correctly link to AppsFlyer. Please do not proceed with the TESTING YOUR TRACKING CODE step in the setup wizard until ShareASale has confirmed setup.
Step 3
ShareASale will confirm that your links are configured.
At this point, on a mobile device that has never had your app previously installed, please login to ShareASale. Navigate to the TESTING YOUR TRACKING CODE step in the setup wizard. Click on the Begin the Test button. This will open an AppsFlyer link and redirect to your app install page. Please install your App. This will trigger an install event within ShareASale.
Navigate to the setup wizard. If successful, you should see an install event. Confirm that 'everything is ok' with the order within ShareASale. This will then allow you to complete the other, non-technical setup wizard steps.
Copyright ShareASale 2021