Mass Deals Upload

Mass Deals Upload

The mass upload feature is available for bulk uploading up to 1,000 coupons/deals at a time to your account: https://account.shareasale.com/m-dealsmassupload.cfm. Once the file has been submitted, it will be scheduled for processing. An email notification will be sent to the primary email address on the account to confirm once the processing has been completed.


  • The file must be tab-delimited.

  • Each line in your file must contain 16 tab delimited columns (see below for field reference).

  • Only the first three columns (title, datestart, & dateend) are required to contain data.

  • Column headers are not necessary and will be ignored if included.

Field Reference:

title, startdate, enddate, couponcode, url, usessl, fullimageurl, thumbnailimageurl, htmldescription, textdescription, restrictions, keywords, category, commissionpercentage, commissionrequiresuse, storeid

Field Name


Field Name



Title: required
Your title for the deal, limited to 255 characters.

start date

Start Date: required
Please format the date as follows: mm/dd/yyyy

end date

End/Expiration Date: required
Please format the date as follows: mm/dd/yyyy. For coupons or deals that never expire, please enter: NEVER

coupon code

Coupon Code:
Does this deal require users to type in a specific coupon code or promotional code on your site? If so, list that here.


Any specific URL that you will want traffic directed for this specific deal.
This can be left blank, and traffic will be directed to your default (home) page.

  • DO NOT include 'http://' or 'https://' in the URL.


Use SSL:
send '1' to use https for the URL.
send '0' or blank for http.


Big Image:
Larger sized image, if needed.
Full HTTP Address starting with http://


Thumbnail Image:
Thumbnail sized image, typically 100x100, 120x120, etc...
Full HTTP Address starting with http://


You can provide a brief HTML description of the deal/coupon/etc.


This should be a very brief - non-HTML description.


Describe any restrictions to participation.


Search keywords for this deal.


Your defined category for this creative.


Special Commission:
When this creative is used, should a special commission amount be given? If so, list that here.
Do not include the dollar sign, just list the value - for example if you want to give $15 for sales coming through this creative - put in the number 15.
Please Note: This commission amount cannot be less than your advertised global commission rate for public offers. For private offers, it must not be lower than your designated commission rate for that specific affiliate.


Require Coupon Use for Special Commission: When active, the special commission will only be awarded when the customer uses this coupon code during checkout.
This feature requires that you include Coupon Code data in your ShareASale tracking code.
Please open a support ticket from our help center for details on adding Coupon Code data to your ShareASale tracking code.


Assign this deal/coupon to a specific store.
Leave blank or use 0 if you do not have stores or do not wish to assign a storeid.

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