Pay Day
Here are some important “need-to-know” facts and commonly asked questions about ShareASale’s monthly pay day.
When is Pay Day?
ShareASale pays our affiliates on the 20th of each month for the previous month’s transactions (unless the Merchant has an extended lock date). If the 20th falls on a U.S. Holiday or a weekend, then payments are sent the following business day.
Scenario #1: August 20, 2016 would normally be a pay day, but it is also a Saturday. Therefore, August’s pay day is on Monday, August 22.
Scenario #2: Pay day on July 20, 2016 would be the total amount of commissions made during June 2016.
You mentioned a lock date, what is that?
The lock date is determined and decided upon by the Merchant. From the Merchant’s point-of-view, this gives them time to review and validate each transaction, voiding any returns or make any necessary edits. Once the transaction hits the lock date, however, that’s it! At that point, the amount will be paid out to the affiliate and the Merchant cannot edit or void the transaction.
How do I get paid?
ShareASale has 4 different ways that an affiliate can get paid.
Physical Check sent via United States Postal Service
Physical Check sent via FedEx (additional fees required)
Direct Deposit
How long does it take for payments to reach me?
Average processing times for the different payment methods are below:
Check Via mail (USA): 1 week
Check via mail (Internationally): 1-4 weeks
Direct Deposit (USA): 2-3 business days
Direct Deposit (UK): 5-6 business days
Direct Deposit (IN): 5-7 business days
Direct Deposit (CA): 2-3 Business Days
Direct Deposit (AU): 3-4 Business Days
Direct Deposit (MX): 3-4 Business Days
Direct Deposit (NZ): 3-4 Business Days
Direct Deposit (CH): 3-4 Business Days
Direct Deposit (EU): 5-6 Business Days
Why didn’t I get paid?
Here are some things to check if you did not receive a payment:
Read Help Center Topics: How do I know if a payment was sent? to verify that you were not already paid. If a payment transaction is present, read the payment hasn’t arrived help topic.
Check your Account Minimum: In the Edit Your Account page. The default is $50.00, but it can be set higher. Verify that your account balance was over your minimum at the end of last month.
*Special Note: Remember, the “Your Current Balance” field includes transactions from this month that are not yet eligible for payment. Take your current balance, and subtract all of the transactions for the current month. This value needs to be over your minimum before a payment is issued.
Remember, the “Your Current Balance” field includes transactions from this month that are not yet eligible for payment. Take your current balance, and subtract all of the transactions for the current month. This value needs to be over your minimum before a payment is issued.
How do I know how much I will be paid?
By going to your Activity Details Report, you can pull a list of all your transactions, sort the lock date by month and then add all the previous month’s commissions together, either manually or by using excel, to find the total.
How do I know if a payment was sent?
There are several ways that you can check on your past payments.
Every payment is listed in your Activity Details Report. The easiest way to find them is to only show transactions from Merchant 47 – Activity Details report with transactions only from
You will also notice your balance decrease when a payment is issued.
You can also use the Past Revenue Report to display all past payment information. However, this report is only updated once per month, so recent payment information will not be shown.
What should I do if my check is made out to the wrong person?
Checks are made out to the “Organization” listed in the Edit Your Account page. If you have received a check that you cannot cash, you should send the check back to us, and request that it be re-issued.
How do I get a replacement check?
We have a 90-day cancellation policy. Unless returned to ShareASale, checks cancelled within 90 days from the original issue date have a $35 cancellation fee.
If you wait until after 90 days, we can re-issue your check free of charge. Always make sure your address is updated within your ShareASale account before requesting a replacement check.
What is Payoneer and how do I set it up?
Payoneer is a prepaid Mastercard that gets credited with the amount that an Affiliate earns in commissions each month. For countries that don’t allow for direct deposit, Payoneer is a solution that allows an affiliate to receive payments electronically.
How to set up Payoneer:
Go to
Click ‘My Account’ and log in
Click ‘Services’
Click ‘US Payment Service’
Log into ShareASale admin and ask for a Direct Deposit using the details of Payoneer US payment service
After you receive your account information from Payoneer, you can fill in your Direct Deposit Details.
How does direct deposit get re-issued?
We will notify you inside your ShareASale account when a direct deposit does not go through. The notification will be on your “To Do List” under “Needs Attention”. You will have the option to update your direct deposit information and then request for the new direct deposit to be resent. Easy Peasy!
You can also find this information inside your account by going to Payments >Payment Rejects.
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